Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I swear to God, they're putting Bush kool-aid in the damn water system!

So, today, I'm on an airplane out of (God save us) George Bush Intercontintal (megalomaniacal bastards) and find myself sitting next to a guy in a pilot's uniform. He tells me that his godson is in Iraq and that we never hear about all the improvements in the situation-- the schools built, the extension of fresh water piping...

And I'm thinking, "Sweet Jesus in a jump-jet, are you that fucking stupid? It doesn't mater worth a fuck when there's bombs going off everyday and OUR FUCKING GUYS are getting killed!"

I kept my mouth shut; a distressingly difficult yet often repeated labour these days.

Meanwhile in Iraq, things continue to suck.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Frank Rich answers the question that's been dogging me lately-- Where the hell are the Democrats?
When the war's die-hard cheerleaders attacked the Middle East policy of a mother from Vacaville, Calif., instead of defending the president's policy in Iraq, it was definitive proof that there is little cogent defense left to be made. When the Democrats offered no alternative to either Mr. Bush's policy or Ms. Sheehan's plea for an immediate withdrawal, it was proof that they have no standing in the debate.

And so, Congresswoman Pelosi? Senator Reid?
Insta-puddle rightfully denounces the Reverend Fred Phelps, asshole-in-chief of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Seems Mr. "God Hates Fags" has been picketing at the funerals of fallen soldiers, because they died for the United States, which of course is a bastion rampant faggotmania. (and no, I'm not linking to that son-of-a-bitch's site-- go find it for yourself.)

That does beg the question, though-- did Insta-poodle denounce Reverend Fred when he was protesting at the funerals of AIDS victims? Did he mention it at all?

Or was Freedies's fun time at a "faggot's" funeral just hunky-dory? One of those little things that makes you say, "Hmmmmmmm...."
Once again, the Rude Pundit has zeroed in on how This Fat Bastard feels.

"Right! First things first-- wheeeeeeeere's yer crapper?"

Saturday, August 27, 2005

And so, as the days have gone by and all the excuses have amounted to nothing. From WMDs to Al Qaeda Loves Saddam to Saddam Personnally Threw Those Airplanes Into The World Trade Center to It's Hard Work Spreading Democracy, every damn time these blockheads come up with another excuse for this misbegotten adventure it melts away like an ice cube in the August sun.

My 'conservative' friends still believe in Our Beloved Leader, though. And of course there are those who just want to "nuke 'em all and let Jeebus sort 'em out." It amazes me absolutely to no end the lengths to which they will go to explain this war of aggression. They gladly pile conspiracy on top of plot on top of cabal when Occam's Razor indicates (pretty damn clearly) that the Bushites fucking lied.

There for sure ain't no damn WMD's in MessyPotamia.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I have a shrub in my front yard.

It produces no flowers.

It grows perniciously, like sin in Vegas- except that it doesn't stay there.

I tell you, I hate that son-of-a-bitch. I hate with passion; like a Serb bustin' ass on a Croat (and vice versa) I want it gone, no if, ands or buts about it.

I've decided to call it.... George.