I have a shrub in my front yard.
It produces no flowers.
It grows perniciously, like sin in Vegas- except that it doesn't stay there.
I tell you, I hate that son-of-a-bitch. I hate with passion; like a Serb bustin' ass on a Croat (and vice versa) I want it gone, no if, ands or buts about it.
I've decided to call it.... George.
It produces no flowers.
It grows perniciously, like sin in Vegas- except that it doesn't stay there.
I tell you, I hate that son-of-a-bitch. I hate with passion; like a Serb bustin' ass on a Croat (and vice versa) I want it gone, no if, ands or buts about it.
I've decided to call it.... George.
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