Sunday, January 01, 2006

January First, 2006. I've survived another year; most of which I went without posting.

So what the fuck. Its my 'blog, ya don't like it you can... (ahem)

Speaking of what the fuck, I follow a link from one of the Gilliard's posts comment section to lovely little corner of the right-blogosphere called BaneRants.

It seems he has a rather... shall we say inflated opinion of of mAnn Coulter-- and his own lily-white hide. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Y'know I've always known that when (not if, dear readers) the Turner Diary types tried to throw their little soiree, they'd be shocked- shocked, I tell you, when they got return fire. As the supporters and sycophants of White Privilege tend to be, more often than not, personal physical cowards, I've also believed in letting them know--

"Yep, eventually you'll get me, but how many of you are ready to go to Hell with me?"

I have no intention of going without an honor guard.

But all that notwithstanding, let me point out a little tidbit-- the kind of thing that drives Mr. Bane and his Little Green Fuckhead fellow travelers is that they absolutely hate, hate, hate to see any goddamn thing that benefits blacks.

They will go to any length, tell any lie, perpetrate anything, and I do mean anything, to avoid seeing those Negroes achieve or attain.

No matter, though. Black folks have survived his type for the last few hundred years; I'm sure they'll survive this pin-headed rat-bastard fuck too.


Blogger LL said...

Hmmmm, well, I guess the first thing I can say here is that I'm not white (not black either) and I love Bane. I think it's quite egotistical of you to think you know him from reading, what? 2 mebbe 3 posts of his? If you knew him, you'd know about his post about him and his whew, ok, deep breath here, black buddy and their antics while guarding some NG or Reservists while on maneuvers. Get a clue before you flame.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just made me giggle, Johnson. Thanks.

Now, I'll just be over here, keeping you down, if you don't mind. Pay no heed.

12:37 PM  
Blogger E. Normus Johnson said...


You're right. And I apologize. I've read a lot more of your stuff... and you're NOT a bigot.

A fucking loon, a verifiable wild man, but actually that's a good thing.

Keep on keepin' on-


3:48 PM  

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