Thursday, October 20, 2005

Norm Ornstein had a perfectly rational thought, that America must consider the worst case scenario:
...the problems of scandal and polarization result in a meltdown of the W. Administration and a collapse of governance in Washington. No Doubt some hard core partisans and ideologues would exult. But with the domestic and foreign policy challenges the country faces, it would be a disaster for all of us.[emphasis added]

Like the Bushite Regime hasn't already been a disaster? Well, perhaps not for all of us; the 'awl bidness' is doing pretty well on three-dollar-a-gallon gasoline. But for pretty much all the rest of us-- especially those poor brave bastards in the Infantry!-- that dumb son-of-a-bitch has been a walking, talking caricature of a disaster. (Yeah, go google up "miserable failure.")

No, I need to know what drugs that other Norm was doing when his solution came to mind.
1. Vice President Cheney resigns-- and President Bush replaces him not with Condoleeza Rice, as the rumors in Washington speculate, but with his father, George H.W. Bush.

2. President Bush resigns, allowing his father to move up to the presidency.

3. Bush 41/44 chooses his best buddy and surrogate son Bill Clinton (42, that is) to be Vice President. Talk about a fusion White House. Talk about bringing us together. Talk about compassionate triangulation.

Nevermind the fact that the wingnut base would go absolutely batshit fucking crazy. KKKlintoon as VP? Puh-lease.

I just think there's absolutely NFW that blockheaded son-of-a-bitch is going to walk out of the Oval Office without a fight, not that the GOP dominated legislature would consider giving him one. And if he's gonna go down, the dumb bastard will happily take the rest of the country with him.

Georgie's concern for the fate of the Republic could be measured in nano-givashits.

God help us.


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