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Thursday, March 02, 2006
- Google News
- The News Blog
- AngryBlackBitch
- The Spiiderweb
- Brilliant at Breakfast
- Orcinus
- Global Guerallias
- James Wolcott
Previous Posts
- Go here. Recognize this.There is this bizarre syn...
- Spidey, I like.Iron Man? COOL.The Hulk? Not so mu...
- You've noticed, I'm sure, that the posting here ha...
- Star Trek Cribs - The Director's CutNow, I've alwa...
- Ever the oilman, Mr. Bush thinks in terms of dolla...
- Such weaseldicks.I just love how right wing asshol...
- So, I was listening to Big Eddie Schultz on my dri...
- And speaking of wanting women to die for having se...
- "We want women to die for having sex."At least, th...
- Watched USA vs. the Czech Republic today; ran out ...