Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I watched that skanky ho's performance on the Today show and was dumbfounded. Nothing that came to mind would have been printable on a family oriented website (which this ain't, so fuck you, buddy).

Luckily for me, Taylor Marsh over on Firedoglake explains quite lucidly just why the Thick Skulled Thirty Percenters love Her Imperial Wretchedness soshe is their Queen:

Some doubted why I put so much focus on Ann Coulter yesterday. I mean, really, she’s such a wingnut wacko, right? Well, the Republicans don’t like to claim her, but she is their base, baby. The anti immigrant, anti gay, anti women, anti everything contingent of the voting Republican Party. The crowd that listens to hack radio day in and day out.

I know those guys. I've had to work with a lot of those guys. And they love the skinnyskank. Of course, they've listened to Rush and Hannity and the rest of the raving madmen for the last fifteen years gettin' their victimhood on, losing their jobs to less qualified blacks and having a "lifestyle I don't agree with shoved in our faces" and recognized the brown horde pouring over the border...

But the real beauty of Taylor's post are the assorted references from the right side of the blogosphere:

Truth Missile: when Conservatives tell the truth the MSM (including Google) cries "hate-speech!", when Liberals tell the truth… I mean if they ever told the truth… well, if and when a Liberal ever tells the truth we’ll figure out what the MSM lapdogs call it.

The conservative movement can't repudiate the quivering sac of pus; because she is Them.


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